



Chapter        6      Hard sounds and Soft sounds















The soft sounds of C and G:



1. When C is followed by e, I, or y, it is usually soft and sounds like S.

                c+i = ci = /s/

                c+e = ce = /s/

                c+y = cy =/s/







  center               mice               city         pencil             *bicycle         *science


* bicycle: 第一個csoft sound = s, 第二個chard sound = k

* science: 兩個c皆發soft sound = s







2. When G is followed by e, I, or y, it is usually soft and sounds like J.


                g+i = gi = /i/

                g+e = ge = /j/

                g+y = gy =/j/






  age                     general          giant               gym                engine          

  giraffe               huge               cage





  get              buggy





The hard sounds of C and G:





1. When C is followed by a, o, or u, it is usually hard and sounds like K.


                c+a = ca = /k/

                c+o = co = /k/

                c+u = cu =/k/







  cat              carrot            *comb           cup        

  curl            scare              *circus



*comb :  mb=/m/   b=/x/

*circus : 第一個csoft sound = s, 第二個chard sound = k



2. When G is followed by a, o, or u, it is usually hard.


                g+a = ga = /g/

                g+o = go = /g/

                g+u = gu =/g/







  gate           golf         gum                gun         sugar              dragon          guest







3. When C or G are at the end of the word, they have hard sounds.



                ~c = /k/

                ~g = /g/








C:  music             picnic             attic                Atlantic

G:  bag                 frog                 log                  drug               pig






4. When C or G arefollowed by l or r, they also have hard sounds.



                c+l = cl = /k/

                c+r = cr = /k/

                g+l = gl = /g/

                g+r = gr = /g/








C:  cloud             crazy

G:  glad               grass








Practice 1hard sound or soft sound??


fence                                              (soft)

candy                                             (hard)

bicycle                                           (soft)

bicycle                                           (hard)

cake                                                (hard)

pencil                                             (soft)

carrot                                            (hard)

dice                                                (soft)

curl                                                 (hard)

cot                                                  (hard)


goat                                                        (hard)

bridge                                                    (soft)

wagon                                                   (hard)

giant                                                       (soft)

bag                                                         (hard)

gypsy                                                     (soft)

cage                                                       (soft)

dragon                                                  (hard)

giraffe                                                    (soft)





Practice 2hard sound or soft sound??


cement          cup         cold         cow                coin        cycle

Cynthia          race        scare      club                corn       office

country         icy           Cindy     nice                 cent        crown

police             cart         circus     city                mice       Cathy





Soft Sound:

cement                          cycle

Cynthia                          race

office                             icy

Cindy                             nice

cent                                police

circus                             city




Hard Sound:

cup                                 cold

cow                                coin

cycle                               scare

club                                 corn

country                         circus








Practice 3hard sound or soft sound?? Circle the words and distinguish it.


1.     Gary washed the green grapes to get rid of the germs.

2.     The strange cottage was at the end if the grassland

3.     George and Gail have gone to the game with Meg.

4.     The gentle giant did magic tricks for the group of kids.

5.     The golden goose walked under the gate to the bridge.

6.     The man with the badge can’t budge the dog out of the garden.








1. Gary washed the green grapes to get rid of the germs.

   (hard)                      (hard) (hard)         (hard)              (soft)



2. The strange cottage was at the end if the grassland

             (soft)    (soft)                                                (hard)



3. George and Gail have gone to the game with Meg.

(soft) (soft)    (hard)         (hard)          (hard)            (hard)



4. The gentle giant did magic tricks for the group of kids.

              (soft) (soft)        (soft)                         (hard)



5. The golden goose walked under the gate to the bridge.

             (hard)  (hard)                                     (hard)             (soft)



6. The man with the badge can’t budge the dog out of the garden.

                                                   (soft)                   (soft)    (hard)                (hard)











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